There are several programs in existence that make the investment in energy efficiency more attractive. Please contact us in regards to the most up to date information in regards to these programs since they change often and are subject to numerous exceptions and conditions.
1. Home Performance with Energy Star.
This is a program where the home owner can collect up to $2000 for successfully completed insulation and heating system upgrades. The exact amount is dependent on the project and cannot be accurately predicted without doing a full energy audit. In short, houses that have a lot of poorly insulated walls and roofs and install a lot of high grade insulation will be eligible for higher amounts. A detailed chart of the incentive structure by improvement measure is shown on the HPwES page
2. Hybrid water heater Credits.
This is a simple program, initiated by Green Mountain Power where home owners can get a credit of $550 for replacing their existing water heater with a high performance hybrid electric water heater
3. Air to Air Heat Pumps Credits.
This is also a simple program, initiated by Efficiency Vermont, where home owners can get a credit of $300 towards the purchase of a qualified cold climate heat pump.
4. Tax Credits.
Refer for the exact detail of this program to the tax code, but in short, most home owners that install insulation upgrades, window replacements and heating system improvements will be able to claim a tax credit for part of the cost of the project. (Most insulation projects of $4,000 or more will be able to claim the maximum of $500)
5. Condominium Assistance Program.
Owners of condominiums will be able to get a credit based on the calculated savings as a result of insulation upgrades. This program is administered by Green Mountain Power
6. Pace.
This is not really an incentive program but more of a special low rate loan program that relies on the inherent equity in a successful insulation project and the future reduction of heating expenses. In most cases, the loan payment is less than the savings of the heating bill, so it results in an immediate reduction of expenses. The loan travels with the house and can be repaid by the new homeowner if the house ever gets sold. An energy audit is an essential part of the application.